Cornwall Police Service

Beyond Project Intervention Grant

Published on October 30, 2020

Cornwall, ON - The Cornwall Police Service (CPS) is pleased to announce it has been selected as a recipient for the Beyond Project Intervention grant. The grant is made possible through the Government of Ontario’s Civil Remedies Grant Program, which will provide the CPS with $90,139.00 to assist with preventing human trafficking, protecting victims and prosecuting criminals.

Human trafficking is known to be one of the most lucrative of criminal activities within organized crime. It is an industry that uses various forms of technology to operate, making it increasingly difficult to track the illegal activities of human traffickers. Law enforcement is also faced with the challenge of identifying victims of sex trafficking, since the nature of the crime is insidious and difficult to detect, while victims are trapped with threats of violence and distorted affection.

Beyond Project Intervention will provide a comprehensive multi-level approach to address human trafficking locally, by providing education/training to police and stakeholders, building local partnerships, coordinating services and conducting pro-active public awareness campaigns.

“Human Trafficking has been identified as a priority concern in Canada and it continues to be a significant problem faced by law enforcement partners across Ontario,” said Chief of Police, Danny Aikman. “The Cornwall Police Service is grateful to be a recipient of this funding, which will aid us in preventing human trafficking from occurring and will assist in protecting vulnerable members of our community from victimization.”

The CPS is an active law enforcement partner agency in “Ontario’s Strategy to End Human Trafficking.” To learn more about this strategy, click here.

To learn more about the Civil Remedies Grant, click here.


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