CPS & SASS Respond to Social Media Trend
Published on April 23, 2021Cornwall, ON – The Cornwall Police Service (CPS) and Sexual Assault Support Services SDG&A (SASS) are issuing a joint statement surrounding a rumoured “National Rape Day” set for April 24, 2021, as posted on a social media app internationally.
The CPS and SASS have been made aware of the trend and are monitoring social media accordingly. While the videos pertaining to the event are not believed to have originated in the Cornwall area, CPS and SASS want to advise the public that sexual assault is not a joke and to contact police should anyone become a victim of a direct threat.
“While we have not received any reports of an event in Cornwall, it is important for us to advise our community that we are well aware of this alleged trend and are prepared to investigate accordingly,” said Sergeant Mark Anderson of the CPS Criminal Investigations Division. “At this time, there is no reason for residents to be concerned for their safety. We want to reassure the public and all victims that support is available.”
Sexual violence affects people of every age and has devastating impacts on the lives of survivors and their families. According to the Ontario Government, one in three Canadian women and one in eight Canadian men experience sexual violence.
“A culture change involves an entire society,” said Melanie of SASS. “It’s not just about survivors. It’s about our community refusing to tolerate sexual assault and violence.”
Victims of sexual assault are encouraged to please report the incident to police by calling 613-932-2110 ext. 3. A 24/7 confidential Crisis & Support line is also available and open to all survivors of sexual violence and their family and friends:
· 1-877-544-6424 (EN)
· 1-877-336-2433 (FR)
For more information about available resources and support, please visit https://www.sassforwomen.ca or call 613-932-1755. Members of SASS are also available to answer questions through their social media platforms.